
Unlock the Power of Digital Outreach 

"Reach more souls, grow your community, and amplify your message with a strong online presence. Empower your church to make a lasting impact in the digital age."

Two Power Packed Days of an intensive course that will get more people to your church.

"Reach More Families, Grow Your Church: Unlock the Power of Digital Outreach"

"Within months, our online presence boomed! It is incredible how the course transformed our reach. Here are the impressions and clicks"

"I was skeptical about 'going digital', but now, we've connected with so many more souls. Here is a list of keywords that our website is ranking for."

"The course demystified SEO for us. Our church site now appears on the first page on Google for several keywords."

Don't Just Take My Word For It:

"Don't just take our word for it - the proof is in the numbers! These are actual results from Google Search Console.

As you can see from the images below, our SEO strategies have driven real results for our church, with a 13% increase in website traffic over the past 28 days. Want to achieve similar success for your own website?

Our digital outreach course teaches you the same actionable SEO tips and techniques that have worked for us, so you can start driving more traffic, reaching new people and growing your online presence today."

What we cover in the course:

"Get online fast and start attracting customers immediately, without the frustration and overwhelm of figuring out how to set up a website on your own."

 "Learn the art of creating engaging, SEO-optimized blog posts"

Discover the power of keyword research and unlock the secret to being found by people searching for spiritual guidance online. 

"Make informed decisions that drive real results with confidence, using Google Analytics insights to maximize your outreach efforts."

"Attract a flood of potential customers and grow your business with a strong social media presence."

"With our Digital Outreach course, you'll learn how to optimize your online presence and reach more people in your community who are looking for a church like yours.:

More Results Using SEO

We have had over 39,000 impressions on google an over 1, 590 clicks to our website in the last 3 months. Let me break it down for you  in Evangelistic terms. Our website has passed out over 39,000 flyers and 1,590 of them came to the church in 3 months. We should license our website as an evanglist. LOL Plain and Simple SEO Works.

Ready to take your Churches online presence
to the Next Level?

Two Power Packed Sessions:

Session 1 
Thursday July 25th at 7:00pm (PST)
Session 2
Saturday July 27th at 8:00am (PST)

Who We Have Worked With:

The Struggle is Real...


I remember the day I realized that our church's online presence needed to be stronger. We are a vibrant church with a rich history and a passion for serving others, but when I searched for our church online, we didn't have a strong presence in the search engines.

I thought to myself, "Now that there are a ton of people online, How can we expect to reach new people and make a difference in their lives, if we're invisible online?" It was a frustrating and humbling moment, but it sparked a journey that would change everything.


The Turning Point

I began to dive deep into the world of digital outreach, reading books and articles on Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Research, and Social Media Marketing. I attended conferences, workshops, and webinars, determined to learn how to amplify our church's online presence.

And then, it started to happen. Our website began to climb the search engine rankings and new people started walking through our doors. It was an incredible feeling, knowing that our message was finally reaching the people who needed it most.


But here's the thing: I didn't want to keep this knowledge to myself. I wanted to share it with other churches, so they could experience the same breakthrough. That's why I created The Power of Digital Outreach course.

Through this course, I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to:

* Optimize your website for search engines, so you can reach more people
* Conduct keyword research that drives traffic to your site
* Leverage social media to build a community and spread your message


The Results

Imagine being able to reach more people in your community, and beyond. Imagine having a website that's a beacon of hope and inspiration, and a social media presence that sparks meaningful conversations.

That's what's possible when you harness The Power of Digital Outreach. And I'm not just talking about theory - I'm talking about real results, like the ones of the images you seen earlier.


The Invitation

If you're ready to take your church's online presence to the next level, I invite you to join me on this journey. Enroll in The Power of Digital Outreach course today, and let's start reaching more people for Christ.


Researve Your Seat Today

Click the button below to enroll in the course . Space is limited.


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Digital Evangelism

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